Sunday, July 24, 2011

“Giving lots of money to the public schools makes you money!”

“Giving lots of money to the public schools makes you money!”
When our pathetic schools send a generation of idiots and illiterates out into work-a-day world, how in God's name do you expect to make any money? Right now, your office is full of people who cannot spell, who cannot do long division, who do not know how to ship a box to Bolivia because they haven't a friggin' clue what a Bolivia is.
Wonderin why your wallet is gone and the punk in front of you is ready to shoot you? Try these statistics on for size: 40 percent of the U.S. Prison population is functionally illiterate. Gee, how'd they get that way ? From 1980 to 2000,states expenditures on education went up 32 percent. In that same period of time, states' spending on prison went up to 189 percent. Now that's smart thinking! And while the're in prison, are they making you money? No! The state is actually taking license plate work away from your coffers- You want those workers free so they can come to work in your prison!
Seventy-five percent of welfare recipients are illiterate. Don't you think things might be a little different if they could read and write? I don't mean different for them, I mean different for YOU- That's a lot of welfare mothers who could be slaving away for you and making you money if they weren't stuck in the prison of their illiteracy. Educate them well and you will reap the rewards.
It totally buggles my mind that conservatives haven't demanded , purely out of self-interest, that our schools prepare young people to contribute and even excel in the workplace. Workers are supposed to bring you great ideas and make you filthy rich- Instead they're sitting out there in their cubicles trying to figure out how to download the latest Weezer album. That's the result of all these years of chanting “leave no child behind” and demanding that your state keep testing kids with mandated exams. Teachers have stopped teaching anything useful and now teach for the test. Here's what it got you. A lot of kids who know how to beat a test but not much else. I've got a kid in my office right now who thought the U.K. Was Russia, had never heard the name “George McGovern,” and figured a legal pad was where you store legal court documents. And he's the smartest one in here! HELP!!!
From the book 'Dude,Where's My Country' by Michael Moore

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