Thursday, March 3, 2011

The bin Ladens

The bin Ladens are one of the wealthiest families in Saudi Arabia. Their huge construction firm virtually built the country , from the roads and power plants, to the skyscrappers and government buildings. They built some of the airstrips America used in your dad's Gulf War, and they renovated the holy sites at Mecca and Medina, Billionaires many times over, they soon began investing in other ventures around the world, including the United States. They have extensive business dealings with Citigroup, General Electric, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, and the Fremont Group – a spin-off of energy giant Betchel. According to The New Yorker, the bin Laden family also owns a part of Microsoft and the airline and defense giant Boeing. They have donated $2 million to your alma mater, Harvard University, $300,000 more to Tufts University, and tens of thousands more to the Middle East Policy Council, a think tank headed by a former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Charles freeman. In addition to the propierty they own in Texas, they also have real state in Florida and Massachusetts. In short, they have their hands deep on our pants.
Unfortunately, as you know, Mr. Bush, Salem bin Laden died in a plane crash in Texas in 1988 (his father, Mohammad, also died in a plane crash in 1967) . Salem's brother's – there are around 50 of them, including Osama – continued to run the family companies and investments.
After leaving office, your father became a hihgly paid consultant for a company known as the Carlyle Group. One of the investors in the Carlyle Group was none other than the bin Laden family. The bin Ladens put a minimum of $2 million into the Carlyle Group.
From the book 'Dude,Where's My Country' by Michael Moore

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