Monday, June 18, 2007

Day nine

'I can assure you, Jason, that we are all actors in life, presenting ourselves as we wish others to see us. That is why those of us who actually are actors, like myself, understand our world and the people in it more fully than ordinary people do. W know the tricks , we read the signs. we recognize that we live in a world full of performers. some of us are subtle, some are hams, but every one of us is acting. Seeing through your performance, Jazz, is my bread and butter.'
Jazz didn't reply for a moment. 'That's bollocks,' he said finally, which was sadly well below his usual natural wit.
David smiled.
Then Kelly leaned forward and whispered something in David's ear. It was hard to catch, but there was no doubt about what she said. What Kelly said to David was 'I know you.'
Then she leaned back against the side of the tub and looked straight into David's eyes.
David returned her stare, his superior smirk undaunted. he seemed unruffled.
He was about to be ruffled. Very.
For Kelly leaned forward once more and whispered something into David's ear.

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